Amy Michelle “Get Up and Sing!”
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Release date : Nov. 09, 2010
  1. Wake Up! Wake Up!
  2. Get Up and Sing
  3. Glad I am Just Me
  4. I Can't Find My Shoes
  5. Hop to the Beat
  6. Reach for the Sky
  7. Wooden Canoe
  8. Doggie Dog Blues
  9. Mind Your Manners
  10. Get Up and Dance
  11. Tiptoe Softly
  12. Pitter Patter
  13. Twinkle Twinkle
  14. Sine! Shine! Shine!
  15. Wake Up! Wake Up! Karaoke Track
  16. Get Up and Sing Karaoke Track
  17. Glad I am Just ME Karaoke Track
  18. I Can't Find My Shoes Karaoke Track
  19. Hop to the Beat Karaoke Track
  20. Reach for the Sky Karaoke Track


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Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Mark McNutt at Forge Recording.