Merrill Franklin “Bitter To Sweet”
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Release date : Jun. 16, 2009
  1. Rain on Me
  2. The One Who Fights for Me
  3. Forever Found
  4. Marah
  5. For My Soul
  6. Your Face
  7. Arise Oh Sleeper
  8. Give Me My Bread
  9. I Want to See Jesus
  10. Esh Kodesh
  11. When You're Done With Me
  12. I Will Be With You
  13. His Love


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Recorded at Forge Recording.

Merrill Franklin takes us on a journey through a sun scorched land, to the Bitter waters of Marah to the refreshing Sweetness of Christ’s enduring love. Along the way, experience a banquet of musical styles: New Country Rock, Semi-Classical arrangements, Pop artistry and intricately designed Folk lyrics all blend into one sumptuous creation. Come close, pull up a chair, drink deeply and refresh your soul.